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夏普宣布推出 MultiSync ME 系列
编辑:雁枫 [ 2024-2-2 8:42:24 ] 数字标牌网

据新闻稿报道,夏普宣布推出其 MultiSync ME 系列产品线,这些产品线具有成本意识的 SoC 数字标牌显示器

此次推出的产品包括 PN-ME432、PN-ME502、PN-ME552 和 PN-ME652 型号,目标用途包括零售、餐厅、剧院、教堂和企业应用,该系列由夏普和 NEC 部门的工程师联合开发。

该系列目前提供 43 英寸、50 英寸和 55 英寸的尺寸,65 英寸型号计划于春季推出。所有型号均采用高雾度防反射板。


基于 Android 13 的四核 SOC 操作系统,具有 32GB 存储空间和 4GB 内存。
通过 USB 或板载存储集成且完全可调度的媒体播放器
支持 NEC 和 Sharp 协议,以便轻松更换当前连接到控制系统的任一产品。
集成 10W x 两个扬声器以及数字和模拟音频输出选项。
1GB LAN 用于 IP 控制、互联网浏览器、HTTP 服务器和 OTA。
三个 HDMI 和 USB-C,支持 DP-Alt 模式,用于视音频连接。
3 年有限商业保修以及一流的服务和支持。
“夏普 MultiSync MExx2 系列展示了夏普和 NEC 所期望的质量,”美国夏普成像和信息公司高级产品经理 Benjamin Hardy 说,“随着我们的客户需求不断发展,我们也是如此,它首先推出了这个新平台,为我们以数字标牌为重点的产品阵容增加了令人兴奋的更新功能。反过来,这将使我们能够更好地定位自己,更好地为不断增长的数字市场中许多行业的客户提供服务。


Sharp has announced the launch of its MultiSync ME Series product line of cost-conscious SoC digital signage displays, according to a press release.

The launch includes the PN-ME432, PN-ME502, PN-ME552 and PN-ME652 models with target uses including retail, restaurant, theatre, house of worship and corporate applications, with the line developed jointly by engineers from the Sharp and NEC divisions.

The line currently offers sizes of 43-, 50- and 55-inches, with a 65-inch model scheduled to launch in the Spring. All models feature high haze antireflective panels.

Additional features announced in the launch include:

Android 13 based operating system on quad-core SOC with 32GB storage and 4GB memory.
Integrated and fully schedulable media player via USB or onboard storage.
Integrated ambient light sensor allows for the display to automatically change brightness dependent on the lux in the room.
Center IR Receiver allows displays to be integrated into kiosks without needing to extend the IR signal for remote control use.
Support of both NEC and Sharp protocols in order to allow for easy replacement for either product currently connected into control systems.
Full Input Detect functionality allows for failover and input prioritization capabilities.
Integrated 10W x two speakers and both digital and analog audio out options.
Key and IR lock options.
1GB LAN for IP control, internet browser, HTTP Server and OTA use.
Three HDMI and USB-C with DP-Alt mode support for AV connectivity.
3-year limited commercial warranty along with best-in-class service and support.
"The Sharp MultiSync MExx2 Series showcases the quality that has become expected of both Sharp and NEC," Benjamin Hardy, senior product manager for Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America, Inc. "As our customer needs are constantly evolving, we are as well, and it starts by introducing this new platform that adds exciting, updated features to our digital signage focused product lineup. In turn, this will allow us to better position ourselves and better serve our customers across the many industries of the ever-growing digital marketplace."

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