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当前位置:数字标牌网 > 行业新闻 > 数字标牌行业动态 > 三星的 VXT 平台使创建和管理引人入胜的数字标牌内容变得轻而易举
三星的 VXT 平台使创建和管理引人入胜的数字标牌内容变得轻而易举
编辑:雁枫 [ 2024-2-2 8:35:14 ] 数字标牌网

三星电子视觉显示 (VD) 业务执行副总裁 Alex Lee 展示了新的一体化 VXT 平台

数字标牌是AV技术中最重要的市场之一。没有人对此提出异议。从您最喜欢的得来速和您孩子教室外的标志到安全性最高的控制室,您都可以看到一切——所有这些都变成了 LED。这是很多内容。

当您只是一个企业时,在尝试管理多个显示器时,让这些内容看起来不错?一场噩梦。数字信号网络上最好的内容通常不是由从事 AV 工作的人设计的。如果有人设法创建了一个成功的设计,那么它几乎不会触及他们还必须创建和管理的所有其他类型的显示内容的表面。

这就是为什么上个月,三星电子宣布推出其视觉体验转换 (VXT) 平台,这是一种云原生内容管理解决方案 (CMS),将内容和远程标牌管理结合在一个安全平台上。它不仅可以提高 B2B 显示器上的内容质量,还可以用作交钥匙内容管理解决方案并将其推向玩家。它由三部分组成:

  • VXT CMS:一个内容管理平台,可同时处理内容、播放列表和日程安排。
  • VXT 画布:所见即所得 (WYSIWYG) 的创意工具,用户可以在其中使用自定义和公司字体以及系统上预加载的模板和图像创建原创内容。
  • VXT播放器:VXT 支持 Tizen 和基于 Android 的播放器,同时还可以在一个屏幕上同时管理多个 Web 元素。

这意味着三星 VXT 用户可以设计更好的标牌内容,并可以将该平台用作完整的 CMS 来调度、部署和管理该内容——无论网络规模如何,因为这一切都是在云上完成的。事实上,由于与RedMedia的合作,三星甚至通过在Hy-Vee商店部署了10,000个屏幕来展示概念验证。而且,任何 VXT 平台用户都可以访问与 Hy-Vee 相同的创意内容制作系统——即使您只部署到一个屏幕!

最后,三星通过称为预集成可重复解决方案(PIRS)的东西将VXT与一些最酷的创意资产集成在一起。这包括让 VXT 用户访问:

  • VXT 艺术:用户可以访问艺术品和照片库,包括来自各种艺术博物馆和画廊的内容,以供企业使用。
  • Link My POS:Wisar Digital 的解决方案允许 VXT Canvas 从销售点 (POS) 系统中提取产品数据,通过库存更改自动执行内容。
  • Ngine Real Estate:与Ngine Networks一起开发,企业可以根据位置无缝显示待售或出租的房产。

PIRS 或预集成可重复解决方案提供第三方系统集成商、软件开发商和内容合作伙伴的内容、解决方案和专业知识

而且,三星甚至在 VXT 平台中添加了能源管理功能,因此现在组织可以检查显示器的能耗水平并相应地定制使用情况。

该公司在 ISE 2024 期间的全球发布会上正式推出了 VXT 解决方案。三星电子视觉显示 (VD) 业务执行副总裁 Alex Lee 分享了公司对新平台的愿景,这标志着三星所描述的解决方案正在为各种规模和跨行业的企业“彻底改变用户体验”。

Wisar Digital 等 PIRS 合作伙伴对 VXT 的特性和功能给予了推荐。

在主题演讲之后,Wisar Digital和KniTec的推荐信,并亲身演示了该平台的特性和功能。

Alex 说:“VXT 代表了数字标牌云原生内容管理的下一个时代,我们不仅为客户和客户解决了一些最棘手的问题,而且还提供了一个可以帮助企业释放潜力的解决方案,这让我感到鼓舞。“通过VXT使数字标牌领域民主化,我们强调了我们对各地客户的坚定承诺。”



Alex Lee, Executive Vice President of Visual Display (VD) Business at Samsung Electronics showcased the new all-in-one VXT platform

Digital Signage is one of the most important markets within AV technology. No one disputes that. You see everything from the signs outside your favorite drive-thru and your child’s classroom to the highest-security control rooms — all transforming to LEDs. That’s a lot of content.

Making this content look good while trying to manage multiple displays when you’re just one business? A nightmare. The best content on a digital signal network is usually not designed by someone who works in AV. And if someone does manage to create a successful design, it barely scratches the surface of all the other types of display content they also have to create and manage.

That’s why last month, Samsung Electronics announced the launch of its Visual eXperience Transformation (VXT) platform, a cloud-native Content Management Solution (CMS) combining content and remote signage management on one secure platform. It not only amps up the quality of the content on B2B displays, but it can also be used as a turnkey content management solution and drive it to the players. It’s a three-part offering:

VXT CMS: A content management platform that simultaneously handles content, playlists and schedules.
VXT Canvas: What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG)-based creative tools in which users can create original content with custom and company fonts, as well as templates and images pre-loaded on the system.
VXT Players: VXT supports Tizen and Android-based players, while also managing multiple web elements simultaneously on one screen.
This means that a Samsung VXT user can design better signage content and can use the platform as a complete CMS to schedule, deploy and manage that content — no matter the network size, as it’s all done over the cloud. In fact, Samsung has even shown proof of concept through a 10,000-screen deployment at Hy-Vee stores, thanks to a partnership with RedMedia. And, any VXT Platform user has access to the same creative content production system that Hy-Vee has — even if you’re deploying to only one screen!

Finally, Samsung has integrated VXT with some of the coolest creative assets via something it has dubbed Pre-Integrated Repeatable Solutions (PIRS). This includes giving VXT users access to:

VXT Art: Users can access a library of artwork and photos, including content from various art museums and galleries, to be used across businesses.
Link My POS: A solution by Wisar Digital allows VXT Canvas to pull product data from Point Of Sale (POS) systems, automating content via inventory changes.
Ngine Real Estate: Developed with Ngine Networks, businesses can seamlessly display properties that are for sale or rent based on location.

PIRS or Pre-Integrated Repeatable Solutions offers content, solutions and expertise of third-party system integrators, software developers and content partners

And, Samsung even added energy management into the VXT platform — so now organizations can check on the energy consumption levels of displays and tailor usages accordingly.

The company officially introduced the VXT solution at its Global Launch Event during ISE 2024. There wasn’t an empty seat in the house as Alex Lee, Executive Vice President of Visual Display (VD) Business at Samsung Electronics shared the company’s vision for the new platform – marking what Samsung describes as a solution that is “revolutionizing the user experience” for businesses of all sizes and across industries.

PIRS Partners such as Wisar Digital gave testimonials to VXT’s features and capabilities.

Following the keynote speech, which included testimonials from Wisar Digital and KniTec, there was a hands-on demonstration of the platform’s features and capabilities.

“VXT represents the next era of cloud-native content management for digital signage, and I’m motivated by the idea that we’re not only solving some of the toughest problems for clients and customers but delivering a solution that can help businesses unlock their potential,” said Alex. “By democratizing the digital signage landscape with VXT, we’re emphasizing our unwavering commitment to our customers everywhere.”

Samsung has been in the digital signage market since its inception. If you just look around, you’ll see its displays all over the place — in retail, in schools and across the corporate campus. Samsung powers so much of the market, from hardware to software — all-in-one solutions are the company’s specialty. It only makes sense that it would want to step up the content quality and make the design and management process simple and easy to use for those who aren’t natural creatives.

Sure, there have been other attempts at improving the creative process and development generation of signage systems in the past. But, none of them have been driven by the display manufacturers themselves. And, this shows a next-level commitment by Samsung to amp up the quality of signage for everyone in every deployment. Kudos to Samsung!

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